Calico’s Visual Nest

Life-Making Website: Enjoy Blog posts, Workshops info, and Synchronistic Card Reading


Begin your new life within making. I share recipes, stories, and thoughts with enthusiasm. Please come and explore with different eyes. I hope that you rest and re-set your busy mind while lingering my site – my virtual and visual nest. In each word, I hide magical gift just for you. How you receive it is up to you. Happy visiting!


Thank you for visiting!


Synchronistic Card Reading

(ただいま準備中:coming up soon)


Sometimes, Taro Cards & Various Oracle Cards add a spice for our lives. You might find a perfect messages that cards offer. Choose any topic you like and enjoy the Synchronicity!
It happens for you, not to you.


love story 恋愛

work 仕事

message you need “NOW”

friendship & human connection 人間関係

happy messages

message for worrying mind 不安へのメッセージ


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Reasonable Options to Travel within Japan 海外在住者の国内旅行特権

Are you thinking about going to Japan? It might be a good time to go because exchange rate is great compare to JP yen, and yet the airfare is really high. So, it’s really up to you! 日本へ行きたいと考えているあなた!今がチャンスかも?円安になっておりますよね。ですから、買い物などはお得になるわけですが、航空運賃がかなり高騰しているのはもうすでにご存知でですよね?と言うわけで、行くかいかないか、何が得かはわからないわけで・・・どっちもどっちかな。 Japan finally allow travellers to enter the country without a vaccine passport or a COVID-19 virus free…

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Life in believing and doubting 信じるも信じないもありの人生

To believe require courage, doesn’t it? Somewhere deep inside of my mind, I sometimes feel this bits of fear floating around – what if my own belief betray me? How about you? How, what, and when do you believe? 何かを信じるって時々怖いよね?だって、もし、信じていることがそうでない、と分かった時、裏切られた気持ちになる時がないですか?さて、あなたは、いつ、どんな形で、何を信じる?

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Forest Fire in Canada カナダの山火事

この記事は日本語と英語が交互に書かれていますよ On my last road trip crossing British Columbia from west to east, I encountered this forest fire. I was not able to capture the flame in the photograph, but I saw it. This fire lasted over a week. At the beginning, the entire mountain was on fire…. So scary. What’s going on? これは、カナダブリティッシュコロンビア州を西から東へ横断している時に目撃した山火事の様子。写真には炎は映ってはいないが、肉眼で見えるくらいだった。この山火事は1週間以上続き、火がついた当初は山全体が煌々と燃え上がっていたそうだ。いったい地球はどうなっているのだろうか? Forest…

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About the Author

Hello! I believe that making sustains life. I make food, art, photograph, stories, friends, and even as much as time to make more things. I was born and lived in one of the beautiful cities on West coast of Japan. Currently, I live on the Pacific West Coast of Canada living with love of my life.

Let’s make “your special life” at home, in a forest, on the beach, and at other makable places!


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